Yonki (Spanish slang, english pronunciation -> yonkee) is a person who takes drugs, specially the hard ones -heroine or cocaine-. The term yonki is not used to designate cannabis smokers
Tu primo es un puto yonki, no para de meterse coca
Your cousin is a fucking drug-abuser, he doesn't give up sniffing coke
Your cousin is a fucking drug-abuser, he doesn't give up sniffing coke
by sikelturko June 16, 2009
A version of the name Yonatan (Hebrew) which is similar to the name Jonathan in English.
The logic behind it is that Yoni is the most common short form of the name, and therefore by adding "k" to it makes the name sound cuter > Yonki.
Mostly used for children, friends, or loved ones who named Yoni (or Yonatan, Yehonatan, Jonathan, Jhonny, Yon ...ect)
The logic behind it is that Yoni is the most common short form of the name, and therefore by adding "k" to it makes the name sound cuter > Yonki.
Mostly used for children, friends, or loved ones who named Yoni (or Yonatan, Yehonatan, Jonathan, Jhonny, Yon ...ect)
by y0nki May 21, 2020
Me: WTF! Get out of my backyard! Fucking Yonkie!
Yonkie: I am not a yonkie! *Sniff* I just like the feeling of empty syringe.
Me: Yeah right! And what's that? I'm gonna tell you, that's HEROIN, FUCKING YONKIE!
Yonkie: I am not a yonkie! *Sniff* I just like the feeling of empty syringe.
Me: Yeah right! And what's that? I'm gonna tell you, that's HEROIN, FUCKING YONKIE!
by Maniac_88 March 19, 2006
by fonsucu October 3, 2008
no example, significance is very clear
by Antonio March 26, 2005
by neb sicnarf January 21, 2008
by schjetne February 27, 2004