someone who claims to be good at art and living
ron burgandy is a yolo artist
by radchad9999 August 10, 2018
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Epic Yolo swag
"I indeed have Epic Yolo swag."
by Azknu June 17, 2021
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You can basically be whatever the fuck you want. For example all genders at once.
Yves: Hi Adrian. How are you
Adrian: It was rude not to ask me for my preferred pronouns.
Yves: I'm very sorry, what is your preferred pronoun?
Adrian: Fuck this, I am yolo-gender. I can do and be whatever I want.
Yves: You're so right Adrian, I wish more people were like you.
by guineapig8463673 November 4, 2023
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An instance where the simplest option is the one to YOLO on.
Hector: Wow Gilbert, the economy is fucked. Should I buy stock in GameStop, or should I invest in purchasing futures on rare earth metals?
Gilbert: What the fuck are futures, Hector? Occam's YOLO your life savings into purchasing GameStop shares - it's the simplest option.
by arkhiah April 9, 2021
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Living your life doing what ever you want and being care free. You only live once. Yoloing
by Yoloingking December 6, 2017
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