Yass stands for:
Hey guys! YASS!(Pointing at someone) Perfect for you (name)!
by Yolo99 November 27, 2017
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Fey was so annoying today, just yassing me out
by The_Berryland February 11, 2016
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Cool ass dude, and funny as hell. He makes stupid ass jokes, and stinks, but we all love him. He has a special place in our hearts. He can be annoying to some people, but stupidly humorous to most.
Yasse: If your sitting down, yo head built like an acorn.
Ms. Davis: Yasse, you are disrupting our class, thats an FC.
Yasse: If you don't shutcho... humpty-dumpty cookie dough headahh, iPhone body head ahh!
by Your P September 7, 2019
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Sassy woo-girl version of 'yes bitch yes'
Person 1: Are you gonna go to the Britney Spears concert?

Person 2: Yass Bitch Yass
by Bamboozledhippi July 23, 2016
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Person 1: You some of me

Person 2: Fuck you, bring yass
by Wa-Bert Lewis October 15, 2005
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