A substitute for your mom, your dad, or your face, as these are all overused.
Chloe: Hey! What's up?
Evan: Your mom!!!
Chloe: Your dad!!!
Evan: Your face!!!
Brittany: You know what you guys?
Evan and Chloe: What?
Brittany: YOUR COW!!!!!!!!
by orangegirl November 22, 2006
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A generic phrase to be used when an unwanted person attempts to join into a conversation
Sierra: so what are you guys talking about?
Sophia: Your moms cow
by TheConnorG February 14, 2017
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A fat bitch who, when seen, pigs run away in a cowardly fear.
Ex. of: Cow: Your mom edition

#1: Wow dude your mom is such a fat mutha fuckin bitch!!!!
#2: Shutup! :(
#1: Dude, you can surf on those waves.
#2: Dont say that!
#1: Haha why?
#2: *whispers* She'll eat you...
by DatGuyMatthew September 17, 2014
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