Someone who is shy yet honest. She has a big heart and cares and loves for everyone as soon as she meets them. She has a great personality and loves to joke. Always laughing and very charismatic. And all around very happy person.
by sniderwoman February 3, 2010
by caca girl March 12, 2021
When a girl rips out a man's earring and pierces her own nipple in the bathroom. She then goes back out to the bar and flashes everyone on the dance floor. SHe forces the man with the ripped earlobe to suck the blood from her freshly pierced nipple while singing Get Low and slamming shots in hopes the alcohol will kill all of the bacteria and cooties.
Did you see what that girl just did? She did a dirty wynette and is bleeding all over that man's face!
by Miam0r402 June 8, 2020