When you want to type the definition of a word and you don't know what you were going to put.
I just need a word from you mister.
One word is all I need from you.
by |The Urban Dictionary| November 6, 2022
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by 689146 May 17, 2019
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A word. A fucking word. Why'd you look this up. Well this is all your see-ing.
That's a bad word.

Yea them down there. There looking at how such a dumass you are for looking up word.
by DumbassTeacher November 23, 2020
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A fucking word, why are you looking it up?
1:What's a word?
2:Are you stupid, it's a word!
by Nyan dog October 28, 2019
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"Word" is an acknowledgement of a statement or expression. Shortened from the the phrase "word up".
"...So I just stopped purchasing from that brand, the last product sucked so bad."
by 333badcat March 1, 2022
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Miscrosoft word is a program to write word documents online
by relevationslrf February 24, 2022
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It is used in this sentence, Words are the thing that you are seeing right now, and there are different woords, like word!
by sfgjfghsfgh October 31, 2022
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