The standard unit of currency in the Cowboy Bebop universe. It is roughly the 2071 equvilent of the Yen, and is represented by a W with a slash across it.
Whitney Hagas Matsumoto is worth 19,800 Woolongs, not 198,000.
by DVD-9 October 19, 2003
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(Original meaning: the currency in the anime cowboy bebop.)
Can also be used to describe a big dick, similar to schlong balls.
Who up that got a woolong?”
by nihilisticcriminal April 8, 2021
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Only the best town in Australia! Wrestled from the unforgiving land and plowed into a submissive paradise where waves lap the shore in a frenzy of foam.

Get your board mate! The waves are lapping at Woolong's foreshore like a rabid dingo.
by gnostic 1 March 11, 2013
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