Winter Break

a time where school is out for almost a month and during that time miracles happen and love and magic is in the air. the truth is reveled. after winter break you feel like anything is possible....
during winter break he called me at around 1 a.m on december 22, 2007 and finally he told me that he loved me! i've loved that boy since 3rd grade!

by loveem since March 8, 2009
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Winter Break

A time so joyful and relaxed that you don't have to change your socks for 2 days at a time
I slept for 14 hours straight during Winter Break!
by FryTimE January 4, 2015
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Winter Break

1) A 2-3 week period in which teenagers and young adults attending college have time to do homework or slack off.

2) A good time to think about your life and if you really want to change anything.

3) A good time to think about impressing your crush or just keep on having a secret crush on him/her.
1) It is winter break, let's play Black Ops and do homework tomorrow

2) It winter break, do I really want to be a Doctor?

3) Damn I should join Track and run a 11 second 100 meters. Then I'm sure Tiffany will like me.
by all quite on the eastern front December 14, 2010
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Winter Break

A time that is cherished by many students from elementary school to college. Younger students will often spaz about Christmas and will just have fun not being around teachers for a change. Most college students will often get high and drunk out of their fucking minds to the point where they won't even remember half of it
Me: so how was Winter Break?
Friend: I don't remember, I was high out of my god damn mind.
by Dubiks December 31, 2019
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winter break

Winter break is the thing that every student looks forward to from the first day of school. When it's close people's brains will just stop working and you will forget about studying, tests, homework, and projects. When winter break is close you can expect your grade to drop as you spend every waking moment counting down the nano-seconds. On the last day of school 75% of your classmates won't even show up and the people who do will spend all day staring at a clock, going on their phones, playing music, and talking to their friends. And what will the teachers do? Well, most will either not make you do anything or have some fun activity planned. Some will just tell you to do any homework, and or missing assignments, a few will just stop caring and let you go on your phone, however, some will treat it as an actual day of school. Those teachers will give you homework, assignments, projects, and stuff to do over break. When school ends the second the clock hits 3:00 PM or 2:00 PM or whatever time your school goes out it will turn into a war zone. Everyone will be bolting for the exit and beating each other to get out the door in anticipation of the great break they are about to have. When you leave your classroom everyone bolts to there lockers and stampedes each other. Then when school ends and winter break is in full swing you don't really do much.
friend 1: Dude you excited for winter break?
Friend 2: fuck yeah, these last five minutes are killing me
*5 minutes later*
friend 1: oh shit, schools over
friend 2: see you in a few weeks

*enters the warzone that is leaving the classroom*
*first day of school back from break*
friend 1: so what did you do over break

friend 2: nothing, how about you
friend 1: same
*both sighs*
by lil 69 December 14, 2019
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Winter Break Syndrome

The feeling of disappointment when one's dream that their expectations for a fun and relaxing winter break is shattered by the reality that it is boring as hell.

Symptoms include:
1. Copious amounts of laptop usage
2. Sleeping as much as humanly possible, or superhumanly if one is particularly sloth-like
3. Mass texts to friends to see what they are doing
4. Watching movies with parents only to be asked every 5 minutes "I fell asleep, who is that person?"
5. Family relatives you could ignore at school swarm over you en masse, destroying any privacy you hoped to have
by Icky Sicky Vicky December 21, 2010
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Attempting to masturbate as many times as physically possible before your dick falls off, during the time between fall and spring semester.
Guy 1: "Just finished my last final!"
Guy 2: "Let The Winter Break Challenge BEGIN!"
Guy 1: "Already jerked one out on the way over."
by otterpark May 16, 2014
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