I went to get a couple of beers just so I could get a little whizzled and take the edge off of the argument I just had with my girlfriend.
by Kimbernet August 4, 2008
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Bro 1: yo, wanna hit up the club tonight
Bro 2: na man, I gotta whizzle
by Womanizer69 July 2, 2018
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Sizzln'my whizzle with my Chickizzle:))
by Doctor Fruitbomb March 2, 2014
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a White guy with black qualities
Anyone by the name of Craige
by Craig December 11, 2003
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A sickness in which a person needs friends or they will shrivel up and die; a person with said sickness.
"You should be friends with that person, they have the whizzle"
"Hey Whizzle! Do you need me to be your friend right now?"
by LameoBoogerHead November 21, 2006
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unlike Derby my favourite soccer team, whizzles is is preceded by shit...fuck...and continues with WHIZZLA!! WHIZZOWS!!!!WHIZZLA!!!!
although Sam was born with the tourette gene,he's only struggled with the symptoms for the last 3 years......

"moo Shit..WHIZZLES.....WHIZZLA!!
by trainable August 26, 2008
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