Watered Down

Something that is similar to something else, but with less features. Altered so as to be weaker in force, content, or value.

The term “Watered Down” comes from when drinks are diluted with water to be made weaker. But can be applied to other things.
Arizona is like a watered down version of Australia.
by Enviro May 7, 2020
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Watered Down

When someone looks ethnic but may potentially have some white ancestry.
Eva you look watered down, like I know you’re fully Peruvian but you look like you might be half Caucasian
by Reime705 December 6, 2019
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watered down

When someone's actions/personality is a non-factor in a social environment.
Tim's inability to get off the wall at the school dance made his game way watered down.
by Cameron Jaymes September 13, 2007
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watered down hipster

a person who likes non-mainstream music, dresses fashionably, probably digs craft beer and brews their own fancy coffee, may or may not own a record player, and possesses other characteristics that are typically associated with a "hipster" except they are not pretentious, annoying or extreme about it. Thus, they are rad, interesting people that I would like to be friends with.
"Why do you always date watered down hipsters?"
"Because they are super laid back and adorable and then I have someone to go to obscure indie shows with!"
by amandabeck47 October 20, 2015
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Watered Down Sundae

When a girl squirts on your face and in your mouth while eating her out, thus making a white-ish watered down sundae.
I was eating my girlfriend out last night and she gave me a Watered Down Sundae.

Oh dude gross!
by nofudgeplz69 December 7, 2010
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watered down mustache

a boy not yet a man trying to grow a mustache but it is greasy, stubbly, and thin. therefore you can visibly see the skin on the upper lip still.

shaney@hboilers.com has such a squritley watered down mustache. he looks like hes 4!
by harmicar July 27, 2008
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