Verb: To promote ones self to a producer/management roll while hiring people more talented than yourself to complete the work you know you are unqualified to do.
Timmy knew he wasn't as good of a mechanic as his Dad was, but when he inherited his Dad's repair shop he Walt Disneyed himself to Manager and hired a few well trained mechanics to take over the repair work.
by CreepyTom March 29, 2017
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A condition where years of the Earth's gravitational pull has taken effect upon the scrotum of older men. Extreme cases of Walt's balls will extend past the confines conventional underware and will necessitate a special garment to holster said scrotum. Extreme caution needs to be taken by the wielder of Walt's balls as they could cause considerable damage to self and others. Walt's balls should be used for good, not evil.
Dude: Linda your husband has a bad case of Walt's balls, I can see them hanging out of his bermuda shorts.
Linda: Yeah... you should see the bruise on my sternum.
Dude: WOW.
by Kipper snack rodeo June 12, 2009
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A very intellectual boi. The best candidate for PR.
Troy Walts is the best candidate for school PR but he looks like Lil Xan.
by Lhasaapsoswag May 8, 2018
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1. When you happen to cum on a girls body, and you make Mickey Mouse ears.

2. When you fill up a Mickey Mouse Ear hat with cum and then slap it on the girls head.
"I just Walt Gizney'd her ass!"

"Fuck dude, I slapped the Walt Gizney on her like it was nobody's business!"
by Walt Disney's Head May 22, 2007
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Someone who pretends they aren't racist or a xenophobe but frequently & repeatedly espouses far right wing rhetoric. Will usually use the phrase fairly early on in a conversation 'I'm not a racist, but......' before being overtly racist.
Dave wasn't honest enough to admit being a full time nazi he'd troll chat rooms and Facebook with his fake accounts like the Walt-right person he truly was.
by terry fuckwitt1 December 1, 2016
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Walt Disney - When someone freezes during a routine or a particular situation.
Game 7 of the finals...

Yo, that nigga pulled a walt disney at the foul line.
by Fly May 12, 2004
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A ruthless tyrant who heads a large organized crime family known for his wicked chirp and merciless ways. Has brought nothing but the beak and talon to the death of all those who oppose or are "bad for business". All so in the guise of a harmless caged cockatiel
They knew it was best to pay homage to Walt Nice, fearing his malicious wrath.
by subjectofWN June 13, 2007
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