the hot vape thing, or hot razor thing, is where one takes a hit of a vape puts a razor in their mouth and slowly blows out the smoke.
*virgil; does the hot vape thing*
roman, in gay panic; Oh fuck, thats hot
*logan; silent gay panic*
by EmoNightmare111 June 12, 2022
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Usually considered a dike. Or is trying to impress her friends or maybe even cover up some daddy issues but overall highly unattractive
Look a girls with vapes goddamnit there ugly
by Gaybitchwhorefaggot June 13, 2017
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A Vape Goon is a person who loves to Vape and trying to make Vape Clouds identical to the ones in the sky. They always have anew Mod to show their sick Vape Tricks and always be juicin their mod. They are the president of Vape Nation and just have an oral fixation with the mouth piece of a Vape. This type of person is always seen vaping anywhere they can legally.
Danica: check out my new vape Scott! Watch my sick O's I've been working on for 7 months now.... Hold on let me get my juice so I can make Mad Clouds and do a sick french inhale for you!

Scott: Damn girl you're such a Vape Goon

Danica: But did you see my clouds Scott??
by Si1verSp00n October 25, 2018
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Vape Beast is the same thing as a Hype Beast they are trendchasers that are constantly bandwagoning everything that is trending within the vape community like box mods, new tricks, they often are seen using mechanical rather than electrical vapes.
Noobmaster69: Hey legend27, you're a fucking vape beast.
Legend27: lmao u just say that becuz u hate my in depth knawledge of the vape.
by PseudonymBoomerFaggot64 September 22, 2019
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When you blow a vape cloud into either someones vagina or anus
Hahaha my friend sexually vaped me last night when i was drunk
by 5:15 October 30, 2017
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(v) When one hits a nicotine and a weed vape in succession or at the same time
This weed pen tastes awful...good thing I can just vape spliff with my elfbar
by dipskits July 3, 2024
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