The Toppat Clan is the best criminal organization in THE HENRY STICKMIN COLLECTION, Reginald CopperBottom holds the clan, With his allies RIGHT HAND MAN, SVEN SVENSON, GEOFRREY PLUMB AND THOMAS
Well, No one gets away with the toppat clan - Right Hand Man
The Actions Like This Tarnish the TOPPAT NAME
The Actions Like This Tarnish the TOPPAT NAME
by REGINALD COPPERBOTTOM February 22, 2021
General: We've been having some issues with a group of thieves known as the Toppat Clan. We know they're guilty, we just can't pin them to any crimes. You will be going into their airship to bring them down. I don't need to remind you that we've got you on several charges.
by u/welikeReddit1 January 19, 2021
The best. Just THE BEST. They are technically a criminal organisation from the Henry Stickmin games who you are supposed to take down in Infiltrating the Airship but RAPIDLY PROMOTED EXECUTIVE PEOPLE 🤩🤩🤩🤩🤩🎩🎩🎩🎩
by SandwichBananaFace December 21, 2021
A. A group of revolutionist individuals looking to live freely, out of a government’s control.
B. An organization of criminals from The Henry Stickmin Collection/Infiltrating the Airship.
B. An organization of criminals from The Henry Stickmin Collection/Infiltrating the Airship.
by Toppat Clan Leader, Michael A November 25, 2022