
Mario: Dude i killed that turtle

by Cornballnugget May 9, 2011
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Toadally Awesome

#1: A gay pun made by Konami (creator of yugioh) to remind every faggoty nerd who plays yugioh to kill themselves.
#2: A derogatory term used for virgin card-playing nerds with no life who jack off to weeb shit.
I saw some faggot playing yugioh while watching weeb shit, and I told him he was Toadally Awesome!
by I Hate Angela November 20, 2016
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toadal Boval

"Toadal Boval" (noun) - A humorous and expressive phrase used when something is complete nonsense, utter rubbish, or just downright unbelievable. You’d say “Oh, this is toadal boval!” when you're rolling your eyes at the absurdity of a situation or calling out something that just doesn’t make any sense. It’s the perfect way to express your exasperation, all while sounding a little silly.

Many people mistakenly say “total boval” because it sounds similar to "total." But it’s actually “toadal boval!” The phrase is meant to be playful and silly, highlighting something bogus or ridiculous, not serious!
"They said we have to work on Saturday and Sunday? That’s toadal boval!"
by ANONYMOUS_AJ2 November 8, 2024
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