To 25

The Myst games are cool to 25.
by Korora December 4, 2003
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"Hey, Patrick, I know something funnier than 24!"
"Let me hear it."
by [.meghan.] May 15, 2010
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Is a start to finish blow job usually averaging about 25 minutes!
The reference 25 is derived from the key pad of a phone. 2 representing B and 5 representing J. 25 = BJ
My girl finally gave me a 25 last night!!!! SOOOOO bomb
by The Lamontster March 12, 2010
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The age at which one can finally rent a car in the United States without being charged enormous amounts of money and without having to sign thousands of papers for that matter.

So, a half-blind 70-year-old just got his license, rents a car a kills 5 people is more acceptable than a 24-year-old who has been driving for up to 10 years without an accident.
"How was your trip to New York?"

- "Fuck that! I got stabbed and mugged in the subway because I woulda had to pay $100 more per day for renting a car cuz im not 25 yet!"
by DZ21 August 27, 2007
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Lysergic Acid Diethylamide-25. LSD, acid
Do you know where I can score a few hits of25?
by England phi beta gamma April 10, 2008
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more funny than 24
"patrick i thought of something more funny than 24. what?. 25"
by dumb what ever this is August 7, 2020
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The number used to describe a sex offender/child molester as these types of crimes start with the prefix 25 of the penal code. Sometimes referred to as deuce-five, a prison gang on the PC yard in prison.
See that dude with the 25 tattooed on his neck? He's a piece of shit.
by CDC Convict November 22, 2010
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