The resulting effect of pausing and then resuming a live TV show using TiVo or a lesser DVR. This causes the viewer's experience to be up to 30 minutes behind the rest of the world.
"Dude, did you just see the Steelers destroy those terrible Cleveland Browns?"
"No man, I'm on TiVo time and the 4th quarter just started."
by KevvyG December 30, 2008
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A person that TiVo's shows that merely look good when in reality they have no time or intention of watching it.
Do you realize that you have the entire seasons of 6 different shows that have been canceled on your TiVo. You are such a TiVo packrat!
by Jay Wiech April 17, 2009
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A person who saves numerous television programs and/or movies to their DVR after viewing them with a small chance they will ever actually watch them again.
Chelsea is such a Tivo hoarder. Yesterday I was going through her DVR list and there was stuff from 2005 marked "save till manually erased"

My mom had to buy a second Tivo for her bedroom because her old one is still full of every sex and the city episode ever made. She's never going to watch 90% of them again but she's a Tivo hoarder.
by Pardee251 November 5, 2010
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Having a younger sibling record something for you.
"Hey brother, i have to go to work. America's Next Top Model is on at 8. Record it!"

..Next Day..
"Did you see ANTM last night?"
"Yeah, i ghetto tivo'd it!"
by Heatherr April 24, 2006
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A situation where you do not want to be told of an event occurring in a television broadcast, because you are going to later watch the event fully on TiVo. Particularly applies to sports and twist-based shows such as LOST.
"Damnit Alex, don't text me saying 'What a goal by Hossa!', I'm in a tivo bubble."
by Thrashers Fan May 28, 2009
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The act of inadvertently watching a commercial as part of a digitally recorded program.
Mary: Why are we watching this commercial instead of fast forwarding it?

Tibor: Tivo d'oh! I'll fast forward until we see Anderson Cooper again.
by Herbal Klimt December 27, 2010
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the act of recording television using a dvr, mainly the tivo.
"Dude, don't mess with the channels, I'm tivo-ing nitro circus"
by fuxaround April 21, 2009
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