
One's schedule, list of prior engagements.
It's easy for me to follow him around because I know his timetable.
by excusemebutwutplz November 19, 2008
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When the person your dating schedules you in at very specific & or weird times, so that they can hookup with as many other people as possible.
Girl 1: So How are you feeling about being timetabled?

Girl 2: What does that even mean?

Girl 1: It's when a guy (or girl) puts you in a timetable so he can meet more girls.

Girl 2: Ugh no that's not happening to me!

Girl 1: You guys only meet on Tuesday at 3 pm. Which means he has timetabled you so he can also meet other girls at very specific times, just like he is doing to you.
by renewed_mind May 16, 2020
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Timetable rape

What happens when a social retard (or social savant) has an uncanny knowledge on everything about your timetable and academic events. Thus, in the process violating your sense of academic privacy.
It can also extend to timetable/exams/test memory, where one would constantly remind you of the class(or tests/exams) that you will be having, thinking that for some unknown reason, you, the person whom the timetable is specifically for, would not know what class or important sac you might have. And then to complete the retardation process, they would comment on something else entirely unrelated. e.g. weather.
*not very close acquaintance* saying: "Hey, just thought it would be of a nice manner to remind you that you have an english test next. While i'm at it, let me remind you of how nice the weather is today."

Friend: "dude, that guy just totally timetable raped me."
by R U OKAY August 25, 2012
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