Chiraq. Fights that go on here are often worse than the Southside of Chicago.
Sweaty: "Let's drop Tilted Towers!"
Pussy: "Hahahaha no thanks let's drop Dusty"
by bl-asian March 26, 2018
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An area in fortnite that you could land and die within 20 seconds if you are trash.
Person 1:I landed in Tilted Tow...(Dead).
Person 2:This is why you never go to Tilted Towers
by Jtno808 March 9, 2018
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I dropped Tilted towers got 21 kills and they were all defaults
by Olive Soose November 21, 2018
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A place that has decent loot and mats but Too crowded. also, you will die if you suck at Fortnite

5 seconds later he gets sniped
by Glyphenhype3 January 14, 2019
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A area of the map on fortnite that is a cross between the bakarah market in Somali and the gold storage room of fort knox
by Pithegeon March 19, 2018
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