Tiberiu is a romanian name, inspired after the word Tiberius . A Tiberiu is a nice, smart and charming guy, a wonderful friend. He will always make you laugh at his dark humor. Every person named Tiberiu is dirty minded 100%, he's not a Tiberiu if he's not dirty minded. He can also have wholesome conversations and show you his appreciation and love.
You will surely find a lot of things in common with Tiberiu. Also, he has a lot of fangirls. ALWAYS
Tiberiu is not a toxic man and will respect everyone's rights and pronouns. Tiberiu is also a fulltime Weeb.
He may stutter at first when he starts talking with you, but that only happens because he is shy, and after you get to know him, you will discover his real personality- goofy, caring and charming- that will make you want to be his friend even more.
If you ever meet a Tiberiu, make sure to take care of him and keep him close. You don't want to lose a person with a beautiful soul like his!
You will surely find a lot of things in common with Tiberiu. Also, he has a lot of fangirls. ALWAYS
Tiberiu is not a toxic man and will respect everyone's rights and pronouns. Tiberiu is also a fulltime Weeb.
He may stutter at first when he starts talking with you, but that only happens because he is shy, and after you get to know him, you will discover his real personality- goofy, caring and charming- that will make you want to be his friend even more.
If you ever meet a Tiberiu, make sure to take care of him and keep him close. You don't want to lose a person with a beautiful soul like his!
A: "Hey girl! I met this guy named Tiberiu. He is really sweet and cares a lot!"
B: "OMG! I'm so happy for you! Make sure to keephim close, a Tiberiu is really hard to find these days!"
B: "OMG! I'm so happy for you! Make sure to keephim close, a Tiberiu is really hard to find these days!"
by Sofiicus January 12, 2021
A common romanian word referring to a cool, sexy guy. you should only use it if the guy is absoloutely perfect. Tiberius are usually obsessed with PSP (pro evolution) and Parnaz girls.They are dynamite in bed .
Parnaz : I got hooked up with a guy last night . he was such a dynamite in bed. He was Tiberiu
Andreja: OMG ! its like awesome , I wish i could hook up with a Tiberiu. Thats the biggest dream of my life
Katija : LOL , Its impossible Tiberiu's are usually into Parnaz's
Andreja: OMG ! its like awesome , I wish i could hook up with a Tiberiu. Thats the biggest dream of my life
Katija : LOL , Its impossible Tiberiu's are usually into Parnaz's
by Tibiobsessed May 4, 2009
A person that encapsulates the unbreakable spirit of someone who faces challenges head-on. Their iron-willed determination and resilience lead them to victory.
Become Tiberius.
by Tiberiuss August 16, 2023
by NotTheGayCerealKiller February 4, 2022
From the 2009 Star Trek, Tiberius is synonymous with "awful".
The original phrase it came from: Tiberius? That's the worst!
The original phrase it came from: Tiberius? That's the worst!
by Trekker102 November 2, 2009
Tiberius (Ty) is a young boy at the age of 15 he has a twin sister, Livia (Livvy), a little brother, 8, called Octavian (Tavvy), a little sister, 13, named Drusilla (Dru), an older brother, 17, called Julian (Jules), another older brother, at the age of 21 called Mark and an older sister, Helen at the age of 23. He is in love with a young boy named Christopher (Kit) Herondale. (This is all dating back to 2012)
by Tomorrow is today June 2, 2020
Wow Jack really has a serious tiberius for that girl he met at summer camp.
He really made a tiberius of that status.
He really made a tiberius of that status.
by TheSpinmaster June 13, 2015