A Person Who Is Real. No Faking No Hating. Humble In Their Success. Has Good Morals And Respects Principles. One Who Maintains Composure And Handles Every Situation As a Boss
he is a thoroughbred
by Moneycraver July 18, 2019
A person who is real about there's no faking fronting, or hating. Educated, but humble in their success. Come from a good family, who instilled good morals within them. Overall try to live right, and do right.
by Oneofthe17 August 21, 2010
by Jasmine K. July 30, 2005
by One Random Person September 17, 2017
A fine beautiful bish with a curvy body and long thick legs that lead up to her smooth round ebony ass.
Daaamn dawg, look at that fine thoroughbred walking right thur!... I need to stable her up at my Slaugther House!..
by Over-Easy October 18, 2018
by Joe B Ruthless October 19, 2003
Would never throw up from any amount of marijuana or alcohol, cry, be a bitch, back down, let sombody take manhood, etc.
Opposite of a bitch
Opposite of a bitch
As a thoroughbred, I'd smack a hoe or kill a muthafucka if I had to, but I will also go back and fuck the hoe later (with consent)
by dylan with the big dick January 14, 2006