by jacepackscake November 30, 2019
by the Real Governor September 13, 2007
i did that before, and it flewed out.
by g-thizz June 5, 2007
An acronym of feline lipstick engine weasel i.e a cat.
Lipstick engine because the penis elongation process is similar to that of a stick of lipstick being screwed out of it's casing.
Lipstick engine because the penis elongation process is similar to that of a stick of lipstick being screwed out of it's casing.
by slssfw May 20, 2005
by hotfuzzlond March 31, 2018
When someone slays your existence hard by serving fierceness or a look, your wig gets snatched off and flies off into the distance.
by Wigtaken November 7, 2017