Its a fire birb!
by McTank666 September 22, 2021
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cute little poofy, chunky, round boi that lobes seebs
hooman: hey birb, want seeb?
cute little poofy, chunky, round birb: yash
by chikennnuggies November 18, 2021
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Fat spacker who has no father figure and watches anime.
You're a fucking birb mate.
by UngaBungaShit March 28, 2022
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A bird of all species and sizes but with more floof and cootness
birb says AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA and makes its pet hooman homeless. Hooman forgives bird instantly after being defeated with power of floof.
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She's just a tiktoker and a youtuber.
Her @ is @birbreadyessss
She used to be a sans fangirl
That's all I know about her
I like birbs chips that was from discord tbh
by Ryantiktok April 14, 2022
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Wowowowowo scooter birb is my dream boyfriend he’s so hot with his little scooter<3333

Hi ethab
by seacowwww March 8, 2021
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