1.) A moment in which you start a sentence and don’t know where it ends so you just ramble on and on until you make something that resembles something sensible.

2.) When all sense is lost for a moment and you forget what you were doing.
Teacher: Did you bring your homework?
Student: Sorry, I had a Joe Biden Moment and forgot it at home

Have you ever had a dream that, that, um, that you had, uh, that you had to, you could, you do, you wit, you wa, you could do so, you do you could, you want, you wanted him to do you so much you could do anything?”

“ Sometimes I'll start a sentence, and I don't even know where it's going. I just hope I find it along the way. Like an improv conversation. An improversation.” - Michael Scott
by AllHailBigBoi October 7, 2020
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"Sleepy Joe" What Americans call Creepy kid sniffer & Presidential Candidate Joe biden. "Sleepy Joe" got his name from being senile, low energy, and tiresome. This insult deprived from his campaign debates with U.S. president Donald J. Trump in which Sleepy Joe recieved his nickname from the President.
LGBTQ Ambassador of Unicorns: Atleast biden isn't racist💞✨

Republican: but Sleepy Joe Biden forgot he imprisoned hundrends of black people and helped Obama build cages for Aliens while vice president.

LGBTQ Ambassador of Unicorns: b-b- ORANGE MAN BAD!!!11
by ZapRowsdower2020 November 6, 2020
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A senile dementia patient that was installed as President by the left, via vote dumps at 3 am. He shakes hands with ghosts and cannot finish a sentence. Our economy was so much better three years ago when Trump was President, but hey, no more mean tweets!
My favorite political conspiracy theory is that Joe Biden got 81 million votes.
by EPICblogspot January 26, 2023
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Joe Biden Tag is a fun game to play with friends. One person is Joe Biden, and all the others are young women. Whoever is Joe has to chase the women, then sniff their hair. The persons who’s hair is sniffed becomes the new Joe Biden.
1: Lets play Joe Biden tag!
2: OK! I’ll be Joe Biden! Better start running ;)
by DoucheAlt January 23, 2021
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Hi I am a Joe Biden supporter and I believe that he won the election fairly, I am suffering from profound mental retardation.
by Let's go Brandon, I agree July 16, 2022
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Impossible. A Biden is the most caring person you’ll every meet. His compassion will stop you in your tracks, and his biceps of steel will make you gasp. He knows heartbreak all too well, and is the type of person you want a hug from. Biden is, at the end of the day, the kindest person you will ever meet
Dang, he was really a Dirty Biden yesterday

I wish my bf was a Dirty Biden like yours
by _xx_cool username_xx_ October 30, 2020
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Locked in an battle with Swiftonomics to see which model can fuck over the poorest people in the United States and abroad.
It’s a shame that swiftonomics caused the price of food in my city to jump by 15% so now I will not be able to feed my family for the next week or so, but hey it’s Taylor, maybe I can hear her music in the parking lot.

Hey you know that factory that was supposed to open up here, wasn’t it a Tesla plant?

Yeah their moving that back to the US as a side-effect of biden-omics

Damn that sucks, looks like I will have to go back to the subsistence farm and hope that there are no droughts that will kill off my entire family.
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