A beautiful asian girl, usually dating a guy named Edwin, thanna can be the most sweetest girl you have ever met. she'll make you feel special, she is sensitive, Smart, and sexy
Ahh, that thanna girl is so sweet
by edwin the don December 27, 2011
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A ship name for Thomas and Anna.
Person 1: "bro, don't u ship thanna?"
Person 2: "ofc! Who doesn't?"
by somebodythathappenstoexist October 7, 2020
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Ship name for Anna and Thomas.

Anna and Thomas is a great ship - especially if they have the same interests and hobbies. Thomas can always comfort Anna and make her laugh, while Anna is a great person to talk to for Thomas.
Person 1: Aw, isn't Thanna so cute!
Person 2: Yup! They are definetely meant to be!
by somebodythathappenstoexist September 25, 2020
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