
the proper behavior one should use when texting i.e. responding promptly or the correct use of lol
brooke: god why does it take so long for taylor to text back?

jackie: that's because she has really poor textiquette
by tayfresh February 13, 2009
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The etiquette of sending texts i.e. fairly short and to the point NOT over long or letter like.
(Phone bleeps signalling text)
Bev: oh shit I just got a text from Ruby it's so long I'm gonna need an hour to read it
Mandy: that woman has no idea of textiquette - ain't nobody got time to read that!
by Lazyfatbitch December 29, 2016
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The etiquette used when texting people, especially people you've just met or that just don't know you very well.
"Why do you have, like, 14 unread texts from Randy?" "He has horrible textiquette, every time I don't answer his first text right away he sends, like, a dozen more and starts freaking out."
by NeverLetItRest March 15, 2009
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A code that governs the expectations of social mobil texting behavior. Keeping in contact and responding in the same electronic communication form. IE: text/text, email/email, phone/phone, smoke signal/ smoke etc.
It was poor textiquette for Me to call Will directly after he had just texted me that there was surf. I should have texted him back and not broken the textiquette chain but, some times it takes so much longer to type then talk. M
by Raffo November 14, 2007
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the observance of a commonly held code of courteous text messaging etiquette.
Dude! You are decimating my free text message allowance with your txt tlk commentary on the status of your fucktarded observations on life. Get some textiquette already!
by Moxie Bandersnatch July 25, 2008
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the syntax and correct grammar in texting
using different slang and language than you would in formal writing

nothing is worse than getting a text saying "k."
Person 1: Dude, I just got a text saying k, what a waste of a text.
Person 2: Dude yea that sucks, what terrible textiquette..

Person 1: People need to learn to use proper textiquette!!
Person 2: Why whats up?
Person 1: Some people write novels but like its just a text! and i hate when people abbreviate stupid shit like dont put l8er.. it really isnt that much easier to put an 8 than an a and t...
Person 2:dudeee that's so beat what a toooool
by Pittgirl821 December 19, 2010
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The manners one uses or doesn't use when having a conversation through texting.
Doug - " so I messaged you and you reply three hours later?"

Guy - "I didn't have my phone on me man."

Doug - "Thats Narnetic! Everyone checks there phone atleast once an hour. You need to learn some textiquette my good man."
by Craig Douglas November 8, 2010
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