A defecation that is so thick that it clings to the inside of the ass cheeks like a thick, roofing tar and requires excessive wiping to clean up. Tar Shits most often require clean up with a wet washcloth or simply disrobing and jumping in the shower so that a steady steam of warm water can aid in clean up. Clean up of a Tar Shit is often referred to as Tar Wipes.
Roger went to the doctor because he was tired of his constant Tar Shits. His doctor told him that he was consuming too much dietary fat which was making his stool sticky and greasy.
by Eaton Holgoode May 11, 2015
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The tarry black dookie of a newborn baby or an adult after some misadventure.
After a night of Pabst drafts and White Castle burgers, I have a case of the La Brea Tar Shits!
by fannyblaster3000 October 15, 2021
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When your bowel movement smells of coffee, and has the consistency and color of tar. Usually caused by ingesting copious amounts of coffee
I was pulled over by the police last night. And I had a massive coffee tar shit in the back of their car. It was wild"
by April 26, 2022
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