A deadly and explosive vagina that causes death or maiming of ones dick, that burns like it is on fire.
Ben took home Christin from the bar last night. Now his dick is dead and burning because she had a Jihad Taco!
by YodaUSA September 18, 2019
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A deadly vagina that hates infidels. Causing death or maiming of a penis with a excruciating burning sensation.
Ben took home Christin from the bar last night. Now his dick is dead and burning because she had a Jihad Taco!
by YodaUSA September 18, 2019
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When you declare a Holy War on someone through a taco (OR alternatively, a Holy War waged entirely through tacos).
Friend: "Charlie was a d*ck to me!"
Other friend: "Let's eviscerate a taco in his mailbox!"
Friend: "why?"
Other friend: "Taco Jihad."
by 7drizzy January 11, 2021
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