It means “Treat People With Kindness”. It is the phrase popularised by Harry Styles in his campaign in fighting hate.
by n.mnd October 10, 2019
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Sort of Harry Stylesmotto, means treat people with kindness.
Friend: Do you know what means tpwk?

Me: Treat people with kindness! <3
by iCuddleLarry February 17, 2021
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TPWK is the abbreviation of Harry Styles´s favourite line: treat people with kindness. he wants everyone to feel loved. he hates hate, that´s why he created this line so everyone would remember to be nice. Harry gets a lot of hate from stupid people this is the reason why he almost never uses social media. but luckily he gets a lot of love from his truthful fans.
harry shouts at a concert: Treat people with kindness (TPWK), even if they black, white, gay, straight or trans. be kind to everyone!
by Larry is totally real November 23, 2019
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Treat Penis’ With Kindness” - basically giving a blow job.
Yo bitch, WTF, don’t bite it. TPWK already. JFK!!
by Trav-man September 29, 2020
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Madison wanted a TPWK tattoo and I said, “you may want to think about that again.”
by OverlyProtectiveDad June 13, 2020
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Short for Harry Styles's mantra "Treat people with kindness" It's an expression commonly used between people who are fans of Harry on twitter.
*someone's being a dick on twitter*

H: Hey stop that TPWK
by Defenitions1 February 3, 2019
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tpwk its a short to "treat people with kindness" a slogan that Mr. Harry Styles adopted and currently uses on his merchandise to promote a powerfull message, and that's one of the many reasons we love Harod
I just got my tpwk merch
I love the message tpwk, its so positive and powerfull!
by mi novio es Harry Styles January 8, 2019
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