Slang for throbby noodle. A pecker, dick, cock, blue vein thobber, massive purple headed warrior of love, jizz spigot, boner, hard-on, whatever ya wanna call it...I think you get the idea. Also known as thobby.
1) Baby come here and lick my thobby noodle, you wake him up and I'll thow stem allupinzoid.

2) Aw, cum on baby, I know you want this thobby noodle up yer pooper.
by Ezeerider September 27, 2004
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Thobby is cool,gentle,and good looking
Also fun to be with....
by t h o b b y March 17, 2017
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Person 1: what did u say
Person 2: Thobby!!!!!
by abbsters February 18, 2021
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