one of the most trashy schools in THE WORLD.this school also has the most treeshes because most actually ALL of them don’t know how to keep there damn legs or mouth closed.most the girls smell like fish and try to use perfume to cover it up. Mr.collins is a walking fucking meatball that needs to get slapped in the face.
Staunton high school is basically a standing fish.
by staunton high school student November 4, 2021
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A shitty High School located in the shittiest town in Virginia with Second highest meth usage in the country. All the kids who go there are drama whores and stoners, the stoners aren’t that bad but if your a drama whore shut the fuck up sit down and close your legs or put your fucking dick away. You cannot go to this school and not have some sort of mental illness from the lack of empathy received from staff memebers. Collins is a bitch and dosent care a bit about his students.
Staunton high school had another shooting threat yesterday
by ifxckedurmum December 3, 2021
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Staunton high is one of the worst schools in the whole damn world. Half the mfs ghetto asf and all the guys think they gangsters when they are indeed not. Half of the dude don’t know use deodorant so the hallways stink all the time.
Staunton High School is a ghetto ass school
by A student at SHS November 29, 2021
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