when u have sex tom O or travis E.
because you know that shit is good.
damn gurl you cant be gettin sprung,toms not here yet.
by tom oreilly January 7, 2008
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When you receive the best Bj or Head of your life that it’s all you think about.
Damn onna gave me some bomb head last night .. I think imma hit her up again.

Bro don’t do that she’ll know your throat sprung .
by Mrs.OnnaLovez October 12, 2019
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mimicking evil, an attitude that is of the devil, contrary to God
You friggin' hellsprung wiotch!
by Wouldn't You Like to Know?! April 21, 2005
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When your friend has an explosive shit and you scoop it up with a spoon and heat the spoon which boils the shit making a spicy and fiery explosion of flavor when you inject the fluid into your veins. It gives you a very spicy buzz paired well with a ghost pepper.
WTF MAN!!! dont boil that shit and pour it down my rectum!!! I CANT HANDLE THE SPICY SPRUNG!! GONNNA BUSSS
by Bing Chillin October 19, 2023
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a phrase meaning either " its time to get your behind of the couch and get going", "hey ho, let's go", " yoohoo, it's time to get a move on".

N.B: this phrase can be used to motivate/galvanize/encourage couch potatoes and other lazy people to se ponerse a trabajar
dude 1) yoohoo you lazy couch potato, spring has sprung. you know the saying if you snooze, you lose, right? now, get your ass of that couch and yellah get moving.

dude 2) okay, okay, i'm getting up, just give me a moment (slowly and lazily starts getting up). what do you want me to do?
by Sexydimma March 29, 2013
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a phrase meaning either " its time to get your behind of the couch and get going", or " yoohoo, it's time to get a move on".

N.B: this phrase can be used to motivate/galvanize/encourage couch potatoes and other lazy people to se ponerse a trabajar
dude 1) yoohoo you lazy couch potato, spring has sprung. you know the saying if you snooze, you lose, right? now, get your ass of that couch and yellah.

dude 2) okay, okay, i'm getting up, just give me a moment (slowly and lazily starts getting up). what do you want me to do?
by Sexydimma April 22, 2013
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a phrase meaning either " its time to get your behind of the couch and get going", "hey ho, let's go", " yoohoo, it's time to get a move on".

N.B: this phrase can be used to motivate/galvanize/encourage couch potatoes and other lazy people to se ponerse a trabajar
dude 1) yoohoo you lazy couch potato, spring has sprung. you know the saying if you snooze, you lose, right? now, get your ass of that couch and yellah.

dude 2) okay, okay, i'm getting up, just give me a moment (slowly and lazily starts getting up). what do you want me to do?
by Sexydimma April 12, 2013
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