The activity of "Snake and Caking" consists of smoking a large hash joint aka a "snake" aka a "snoop papi gagger" followed by indulging in a large amount of baked goods consisting of, but not limited to cakes and pastries.
Tonight we should snake and cake then watch 12 hours of Peaky Blinders

Lets go get snaked, then go cake.

I got the snake! Whose got the cake?
by Brunasty February 7, 2018
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Early Bird gets the worm. But I hate worms! Who the heck eats worms? Cake is much better. I prefer pizza but does not have the same ring to it. This is not to be confused with Shel Silverstein's "Cake Eating Snake" which contains no hyphen and from a grammatical perspective is unclear if the Cake eats Snakes or vice-versa.

This term was originally coined by Dylan Schwartz (CEO of Dylan Universe Comics, on January 3rd 2019.
by MadDawgDylan January 3, 2020
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A roast that is rarely used but is critical when used
Me to a fucktard that roasted me: What did you say you Obtuse, rubber goose, green moose, guava juice,Giant snake, birthday cake, large fries, chocolate shake ass fucktard?
by IsaacTheMan_YT March 23, 2021
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Early Bird gets the worm. But I hate worms! Who the heck eats worms? Cake is much better. I prefer pizza but does not have the same ring to it. This is not to be confused with Shel Silverstein's "Cake Eating Snake" which contains no hyphen and from a grammatical perspective is unclear if the Cake eats Snakes or vice-versa.

This term was originally coined by Dylan Schwartz (CEO of Dylan Universe Comics, on January 3rd 2019.
by MadDawgDylan January 3, 2020
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