Used to describe a very bad thing, usually, but not always, involving a vile smell.
Also an all encompassing insult
Also an all encompassing insult
1. Dude, what's wrong with you? Your breath smells like shit!
2. Hey Graham, your face smells like shit!
3. She cheated on her boyfriend? That situation smells like shit to me...
2. Hey Graham, your face smells like shit!
3. She cheated on her boyfriend? That situation smells like shit to me...
by Milli Vanilli May 8, 2006
by Welobo August 25, 2019
when you get pulled over for having weed in your car and as the cop asks if he smells weed, shit yourself.
"sir do i smell weed?" *shits himself* "no officer, you do not"
Thats the story of how the Weed Smells Like Shit was made
Thats the story of how the Weed Smells Like Shit was made
by Pogoxman January 1, 2021
An expression describing how close one thing or person is to another or how inseparable something is to another.
by Dr Bunnygirl August 31, 2019