When an empress fancies a common man but shows too much romantic interest. It is frowned upon. A blunder or mistake. A slip-up.
If the empress slips up too often then one must question if it is in fact a slip-up
If the empress slips up too often then one must question if it is in fact a slip-up
by Glow85 December 2, 2018
I tried to tell my best friend I hated My Chemical Romance, but did a slip-up and said how much I like there third album, The Black Parade.
by pokeyofthelost January 16, 2022
Cashier: what can I get you
Jasmine: a blunt wrap "smiling" i mean a swisher "laughs"
Cashier: oh okay "suspicious and dont know what to say"
Jasmine: "open car door, & tell friend the whole story"
Friend: Girl u just slip up it's okay 🤣
Jasmine: a blunt wrap "smiling" i mean a swisher "laughs"
Cashier: oh okay "suspicious and dont know what to say"
Jasmine: "open car door, & tell friend the whole story"
Friend: Girl u just slip up it's okay 🤣
by Destinygwood January 9, 2021
When, on overweight people, the inner hem on a pair of short shorts is pulled up by the fat between the thighs when walking, resulting in an aesthetically distasteful triangle-shape.
girl #1: Did you SEE slip up on that girl? those cute short shorts are totally wasted on her.
girl#2: She should wear capris or something.
girl#2: She should wear capris or something.
by sarahh=) September 29, 2007
The term sconnie slip up can be used to denote unfortunate events that happened in either a state of confusion, the state of Wisconsin, or both.
I heard cousin Donnie had a sconnie slip up with Nancy; she asked for the cheese curd but he gave her the brat.
by gilman_god January 23, 2019
1) This is the act of having sex with a girl (skank) and your junk slips out and slids in the ass. The only thing is you don't realize it and she has to tell you.
2) baning a chick and having you cock go into her ass, but her ass is so gapping that you don't even know you slipped up.
2) baning a chick and having you cock go into her ass, but her ass is so gapping that you don't even know you slipped up.
Karl: "I was going to town on her and all of a sudden the Saginaw Slip up!" "I stopped there."
Jimmy: "HUH, Saginaw what up?"
Karl: "Dude, she had to tell me my dick was in the wrong hole."
Jimmy: "Oh, the Saginaw Slip Up, I've done that to your mom."
Jimmy: "HUH, Saginaw what up?"
Karl: "Dude, she had to tell me my dick was in the wrong hole."
Jimmy: "Oh, the Saginaw Slip Up, I've done that to your mom."
by cheese4green September 22, 2011
When someone of a non-African American decent, accidentally says the n-word late at night with little to no people around to confirm the use of the word.
by Lincoln Obama July 19, 2020