1. That girl you recently hooked up with that you don't tell your friends and peers about.

2. Any girl you hook-up with from Tinder

3. That girl that you bring back from the bars after 1:00 A.M. and when you wake up the next day, you swear she looked much more attractive the night before.
I am hanging with my low-key slam piece tonight that I matched with on Tinder.
by jw131985 April 22, 2015
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A female who is used exclusively for sex but in this case isn't attached to any one "slammer." She leaves her options open.
by Manbeast December 12, 2006
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A Designated Slam Piece is a girl you have on the slide, before going out to a party, bar, or gathering where you have a girl or "piece" that you can "slam," have sexual relations, take part in foreplay, or hook-up with at the end of the night when all else fails. This can be a good or bad thing which can prove that no matter how much you fuck up, you still have a girl to get with. The negative side is that no matter how hard you try, it's impossible to get another girl so that DSP comes in handy on those dry weekends where you just can't pick up a girl for your life.
Designated Slam Piece or DSP:

"This girl is all over me but i'm really trying to get some ass this weekend and this girl isn't even that good looking, butter faceeee..."
"... Dude i mean does she have a nice ass?"
"Yeah, but what about it??"
"Whatever dude, just make that bitch your DSP and call it a year man"
"YEAHHH, your right! I forgot I lost my last designated slam piece after I gave that bitch HPV"
"Dude, she had that shit coming, she def should have asked before you fucked her"
"Yeah, like what the fuck.. wasn't my fault"
"Definitely a trick ass bitch"
"Chyeahhh your right, well let's hit indigo and see whats up with this Designated Slam Piece later"
by IsingM_PSU October 27, 2011
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A side hoe or slam piece, typically having nice breasts.
Yo jack who’s that girl you were with again last night are y’all dating?
Jack: Naw, that’s just my slam piece of side boob.
by The Rickest Rick August 25, 2019
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