While playing the sniper on a first person shooter and knifing other snipers. Sknifing. knifing snipers while playing as a sniper on first person shooter video games.
Man i sknifed that sniper that kept shooting me.
by Yourmomsbigdaddy May 8, 2013
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verb to knife someone and sneak away, to stab someone while sneaking about, sneaking and knifing, or to creep up on someone and deliver bad news.
"So and so sknifed Bob when he wasn't looking", "Bob must take care not to get sknifed while talking to his girlfriends best friend." or "Bob skillfully sknifed the guard and made away with a fortune."
by Drakiis October 22, 2009
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Pronounced (S-NIFE-ING)

A term used to describe the act of stealthily knifing an opponent in battle.
Man, GrapeJuice was sknifing the hell out of Jonesy-boy the whole last round!
by EIPQUAN October 21, 2009
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