A commonly used greeting, often replacing the word hey.

Almost always replied to with: "Skidoo to you too!"
Joe: Skidoo!

Harry: Skidoo to you too!
by cal r. March 27, 2008
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A term used in the early 20th Century for "get lost."
Bums would sleep around 23rd St and when the cops came along they would hit them with their billy clubs and say "23 skidoo."
My grandfather was a cop down there around 1920 and told me how this term came about.
Hey buddy, 23 skidoo.
by Ken Kantro March 31, 2007
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22 skidoo and 23 skidoo can be used interchangably. The phrase originated in New York City. It was the result of policemen having to disperse groups of pervey men who would hang out near the 23rd street subway stop to watch womens skirts get blown up by air coming up from the subway airshaft through the sidewalk. 23rd street is the flatiron district and was known for a high concentration of women office workers.
I think that guy over there is a cop, we better stop insert illegal activity and 22 skidoo.
by sarah vanarsdale March 19, 2008
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To leave quickly:

I heard it came from the cops in the early 20th Century-probably the 1920s-chasing the hookers off of 23rd Street in New York City and not catching them, thus the hookers gave the cops the "23 skidoo."
Here comes the cops lets 23 skidoo!!!

That bitch gave me the 23 skidoo!!!!

We better 23 skidoo!

They gave me the ol' 23 skidoo!!

She tried to give me the ol' 23 skidoo but I caught her!
by thedzone September 22, 2009
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It's when you have to scadaddle in big hurry
I hated the party so I pulled a 23 skidoo
by Jeanniegirl January 31, 2022
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Archaic, early 20th century reference to Flatiron Building at the intersection of 23rd. Street , Fifth Avenue and Broadway in Manhattan NY.
The north facing corner of the triangular Flatiron Bldg. caused flapper skirts to blow upward as wind gusts were sheared at the north facing corner facade revealing , rather indelicately their undergarments...girls in the know , knew “at Twenty-third Street, hold down your hems and SKIDOO‼️(perhaps this gave rise to the vagrant loitering noted in other entries❓)
Girls in the know knew..... “at Broadway -Fifth & Flatiron , hold down your skirt hems, 23 SKIDOO‼️“
by Blacjacqueshellac April 19, 2019
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An antonym for the saying 23-skidoo.
1. To rush into something,
2. taking an opurtunity to come or taking advantage.
3. "Coming in the the going is bad"
1. Kramer off of Sinefeld always coming in through the door.
2. A sign says "Free cookies." at a grocery store and you take them all.
3. When Gandalf comes with the riders of rohan to helmsdeep.

by Anthony March 17, 2007
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