by festive squirrel July 17, 2018
To leave quickly. To signify that as soon as you finish a task you will skidaddle to the next place. To move at a quick pace from one place to another
by Swagpineapple June 16, 2014
To leave quickly. To signify that as soon as you finish a task you will skidaddle to the next place. To move at a quick pace from one place to another
by Swagpineapple June 16, 2014
by John Gaskell March 29, 2004
to move along in a hurried manner.
by sameri October 26, 2005
Boy: Excuse me Mr. can I have a quarter.
Man: No, beat it kid.
Boy: Pleeeeease.
Man: I said skidaddle.
Man: No, beat it kid.
Boy: Pleeeeease.
Man: I said skidaddle.
by shawn February 17, 2004
skidaddle bitch
by Skidaddleler March 24, 2019