When you’re not a simp after you buy Simp merch
Guy 1: did you hear sive is not a simp anymore
Guy 2: I thought he was a simp what happend
Guy 1: he bought simp merch so he’s not a simp he’s a sivepathy
by Eric_Cartman234 August 21, 2020
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When you buy pewdiepie's merch so you're not a simp anymore
I bought pewdiepies merch so instead of simpathy im sivepathy (dont bully me im only 11)
by Gordon the big engine August 21, 2020
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When your simp title is revoked by buying SIMP merch.
"Dude, you're a total simp for Belle! You even have a cardboard cutout of her in your room!"

"Nah bro, I bought the SIMP merch. My Sivepathy shows."
by kukyoiin August 21, 2020
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