Not being sexually attractive to normal people, however,being so ugly they are sexually attractive to the mighty Lord of Shrekdom...Shrek himself!
He is so shreksy it's unbelievable !
by SHREKSYAF August 14, 2015
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A variation of the word sexy, but it refers to the hotness of an animated green Mike Myers. It should be used more commonly than sexy, for shreksy is love, shreksy is life.
“That fan art is very shreksy
“You’re so shreksy, babe”.
by TheTrueSaviour March 18, 2022
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To be named shreksy is one of the highest honours one may be called by someone as they are being compared to the most sexiest man alive, Shrek
Max: damn man your shreksy
Jack: why thank you I am quite shrek like today
by the ferret army March 17, 2022
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When calling someone 'Shreksy' is describing them as 'hot' and they look Shrek who is very hot.
Omg, she is so Shreksy!
by EmoMaia March 20, 2022
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When someone who looks similar to shrek looks extremely sexy
Omg that boy is so shreksy
by Lebalzac;) May 31, 2021
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