a simple replacement word. any thing you want it to mean. if you cant think and need a word just say it. if you dont want to curse this is the perfect word!
"Oh man i want to shnay the shnaying shnay out of her shnay till it shnays."
by PapaYa Za June 7, 2009
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Slang term for stuff or shit.
"You left your shnay at my house last night."
"That is some cool shnay."
by James C. January 5, 2005
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Most recent best selling Comic Book company
Boydog is Shnay comic book
by kevin harris January 2, 2005
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1. syn. nigger

2. To kill something or be killed in a computer game, especially Diablo II

3. to steal something like a nigger
1. How do you get 5 shnays to stop raping a white woman? Throw them a basketball.

2. I got shnayed by Duriel again

3. Someone shnayed my dad's bike today
by BucketHoop September 20, 2004
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This basically means "no" in Scotland, of gaelice origin. rather hilarious to certain beings including, Malcolm.
by JD Ghetto May 2, 2005
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