The shed is known as one of the most sacred places on Earth. With many people thinking it's a place to put things that don't belong, yard equipment and much more. But with the smart people thinking it's a place to hangout, and most importantly smoke marijuana. It's a place that is commonly known as a judge free zone and where many people have talking time with the ones who need it.
Logan: Talking time with Logan and you know where at
Weston: Everyone to the shed
Chase: Where y'all going?
Ruble: To the shed man
by Talkingtime February 7, 2020
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To get extremely drunk and forget/lose everything.
He got shedded last night: He lost his keys, phone and dignity and ended up having to sleep in the shed until his girlfriend got home.
by HTEsser December 23, 2014
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A large, overweight woman that lurks in the shadows with dire need to grab at any piece of man candy possible. Reguardless of your weight, size, etc; one should stay away from the shed, if he has any reputation whatsoever. Once you visit the shed, you are dead.
"The Shed tried to grab my penis last Friday, so i smacked her in her face and told her to go fuck herself."

"The Shed hid in the shadows of the alley as the innocent man walked through."

"Scotty fucked the shed, and since, hasn't been found."

"He tried to escape from the shed, but her overwhelming size brought him down as she ripped his pants open while screaming 'give me your cockalicious!'"
by Anti-Shed Man October 11, 2006
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Stands for “Secondary House Extension for Dads
I’m going to go in my shed to get away from my wife
by Urbanliving1965 February 25, 2020
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to practice, usually a musical insturment. a person does not need to literally be in a shed to 'shed'.
i need to work on my drumming, i'm gonna hit the shed

man you look real tired, looks like you were shedding it all day
by alec October 17, 2004
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A sketchy place where local kids go to get high, drunk, burn stuff, and be jackasses.
Hey, lets go down to the shed and get fucked up.
by Big Johnny December 17, 2003
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To practice music by oneself, usually with special care to be kept from being disturbed. Theoretical etymology: Shortened from the word woodshed, where the idea was in order to not only be alone to concentrate, but to refrain from disturbing other people, one would have to retire to the woodshed to practice.
My chops are not what they used to be. I need to go shed.

Man, these parts are crazy hard. I need to go shed them.

I've been shedding all week Michael Brecker's pentatonic concepts. You've been warned.
by BPmusic January 28, 2010
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