September 24

So technically you just give a girl your hoodie on September 24 to someone like a friend or your girlfriend.
by Cute.days. September 19, 2019
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September 24

If you were born on this day then you are hella thicc and cute;)
Damm she cute she must be born on September 24
by Dolohammah November 4, 2019
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September 24

Baddest botch was born this day and leaves hoes mad all day everyday
September 24
by Amos:dubsteppast October 29, 2019
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September 24

The one day it’s legal to punch a bitch.
Joe:Its September 24 I’m going to punch Karen be right back
Ben:I’m going to punch Lisa too see you later.
by Septembermk November 4, 2019
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September 24

national give your bf/gf a kiss day!
it's september 24, i have to kiss _____
by teheecrackhead September 23, 2019
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September 24

G: I’m off to go and get rammed guys

Us: Why?
G: It’s September 24th
by NC1997 October 19, 2019
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September 24

make out with any guy whose name starts with a T or S.
oh happy september 24 *starts making out with him*
by sevii.ego October 19, 2020
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