A Foreign Cooldude Smartass who smokes a lot of joints every day
you're a Sedik
by MCSMCSMCS June 14, 2009
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One who very dorky or considered to be a dorkface.
"Sandy is such a Sedik.
by Elphaba Thropp February 27, 2008
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Sedike is a name often given to a young member of Boko Haram. Young boys whom name is Sedike often strike down their own parents using a machete before they can be considered a man. The favored clothing of such young boys tend to be the attire known as "Kenga". They use "kenga" to conseal weapons and other contrabands. The US government are extremely scared of these warrior boys. The US government has a lot of reasons to be scared as well, one of them is that the young warriors named Sedike are furious warriors who give no mercy and does not lack any skill when it comes to hand to hand combat.
Look! Let's go kill that Sedike
by MegSelv123 October 9, 2018
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