by seabassyo March 14, 2009
Hypnotic vodka + Cactus cooler
a delicious mixture of an alcoholic beverage with an old school soda favorite discovered in 2008 by a 17 year old named Sebastian who was in a garage drunk with a lot of friends.
a delicious mixture of an alcoholic beverage with an old school soda favorite discovered in 2008 by a 17 year old named Sebastian who was in a garage drunk with a lot of friends.
by Sebastian P. December 29, 2009
by Sebastian Cieslak July 25, 2018
The miniature fuckboy that no one knows they like. he has long eyelashes and looks very attractive when on omegle except when he is from California and leigha calls him cute. loik. look loik up in the urban dictionary if you don't know the definition already. makes annoying noises.
by bleh bleh blehh February 1, 2017
by Tom Fla. December 7, 2006
A person who lives in a fish bag and drives to maine to pick up some boobies. They speak with thick russian/slavic/poopsack accents depending upon their current state of seabass-ness. Two currently reside in the Deeg and one lives in a cave in newengland.
by seabassluva November 19, 2010
by GW Forsyth March 10, 2005