"Sea ottering" is to cuddle and fall asleep with a partner.

This is because sea otters often rest together in 'rafts' and hold paws so that they don't float away from their group, as seen in the popular YouTube video "Otters holding hands" by user cynthiaholmes.
Girl: Sea otters are so cute. Did you know they hold paws when they sleep to keep from floating away from eachother?

Boy: Haha no I never knew that, that's actually pretty cute.

Girl: Isn't it!

Boy: Yeah, and hey, maybe we can 'sea otter' sometime, yeah?

Girl: Okay! I look forward to sea ottering with you. *wink
by JakeyJ November 8, 2010
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What some animal rights activists use instead of the word "fish"
Sea kittens taste better than land kittens.
by Freigeist May 16, 2010
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When one takes a dump in a ocean or lake.
Marty was swimming in the ocean after eating lunch at Taco Bell and decided to pull his trunks down to let out a sea pickle.
by Dan Band April 7, 2006
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/si/ kou A female of large stature, most commonly identified by the presence of FUPA, Back Breast, and Dunlap vaginal disorder. many species are described as having a beard with pubic follicular likeness.

Sea Cows are predatory creatures, known for cutting in line at barbeques, spaghetti feeds and public buffets. Sea Cows are attracted by the rattle of ice in a Diet Pepsi cup or the crinkle of an empty chip bag.

Sea Cows Typically live in first floor dwellings and tend to use public transportation as automobiles tend to be tight quarters due to their large stature.
while i was in line at the buffet i was bitten by a feeding sea cow
by bmslyer June 9, 2011
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Australian slang, used in the wider Brisbane area.

A breed of bogan (white trash) indigenous to the southern moreton bay islands, known for extensive sea-based activities, usually in stolen watercraft. Slow witted and often foul smelling, sea bogans are easy to spot, wearing only shorts and barefoot, except in winter when a flanny (flannelet long sleeved button up shirt) is added to their apparel.
Catching the ferry to Russel Island is lame, its too packed with sea bogans
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A vicious creature that attacks under sea campers. A sea Bear is drawn to many things, which include wearing a sunbrarow in a funny way, eating cubed cheese, playing the clarinet badly, and dancing badly. The only known defense to a Sea Bear attack is a Sea Bear circle. NOT AN OVAL! don't run, walk limp, or skip away, or it will charge.
I was attacked by a massive Sea Bear because I play clarinet badly.
by Shankomatic June 29, 2009
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1. A brand of canned tuna fish; infamously mistaken for actual chicken by singer Jessica Simpson on her MTV reality show, Newlyweds.
"Did you see the Chicken of the Sea episode of Newlyweds? I think it was scripted."
by EBM May 13, 2005
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