Lets say hypothetically theres a guy you know who hasn’t even thought of showing you his cock what would you assume? Big ? Small? There is a fifty fifty chance; however meaning there is a fifty fifty chance then hypothetically it can be both, therefore meaning there is also a Higher percentage that it could just be medium
Iris:Unless your pp is Excalibur And somehow magically cut through the brick then i beg to differ that you dodged it cuz I could have smashed it up with the brick in seconds or thrown it at the pp

Kujo: So if you beg to differ.. Do you think my pp's big then? 🤨

Iris: Well , assuming that 9 times out of ten you act like you do have a big pp and say it then ofcourse i may assume that, although there is the 50/50 chance that you are either small or big ; however if its a 50/50 chance then there is also the chance that you are both , so assuming either would be wrong in my eyes so simply put, I would say medium. I call it, “Schrodingers dick
by Iris sus June 29, 2022
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During Covid times when you saw a white woman wearing a facemask and didn't know the shape of her nose it was all possible variations of a caucasian nose while she was wearing the facemask and you didn't know if she had a good white woman nose or not until she takes of her facemask and you get to see the actual shape of her nose
That white women has a Schrodinger's nose under her facemask I wonder what shape it is
by jamfish December 9, 2022
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Making a half-sarcastic comment to a group of people that can be rebuked as sarcasm/banter if unappreciated, or just as easily allowed to slide if it's appreciated.

The name is derived from the famous Schrödinger's cat experiment, a demonstration of the concept of quantum superposition. 'The cat in this box is either dead or alive, and we have no way of knowing for certain until we open the box...'
1: "Mark just made a joke about women's rights. He's uh... he's being sarcastic, though, right...?"
2: "That guy is just pulling a Schrodinger to gauge the overall social climate here. See that? The douche just took it right back!"
1: "Damn..."
by Inlovewithabsol October 10, 2023
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