Any text message sent with intent to elude undesirable social situations.
"Uh, I can't believe this girl is texting me about hanging out with her and her lame friends tonight. I'm gonna send her a rejext and hang with the guys instead."

by Time Guy March 28, 2009
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To get rejected and/or turned down via text message; other forms include "rejexting" (the act of sending someone a rejecting text message), and "rejected" (past tense of rejext)
<girl looks at her phone> "He is such a douche! We went on two dates and he didn't even have the balls to dump me in person - he rejexted me!"
by maspad2 May 3, 2009
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The act of being rejected via text message.
BOB: Hey Claire, Last night was super sexy but... I am just not that in to U. TTYL

Claire: OMG! you totally just rejexted me!!! WTF?!
by Mancubseawitch April 1, 2009
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Rejexting - Sending another person a hookup text and getting a solid no.
me- alright. can i be honest?
her- you want me? i know
me- hahah shut up loser. act like you dont want me
her- nope.

Dude, I was wasted Sexted jennifer to come over, she texted "im in bed with someone"
Talk about rejexting..
by Eddie Mountain June 10, 2010
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Being rejected by text
"Oh snap dude, you just got rejexted!"
by Mute_at_StickSports January 21, 2010
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To be dismissed or rejected VIA text communication.
That jerk just totally rejexted me last night.

I invited him over, but he rejexted my booty call :(
by EmilyChampagne March 2, 2011
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