To do some thing so witless, foolish, and dull, that it could only be done by Reed P.
Dude I got so high last night I went reedtarded! I think I forgot how to walk!
by Hardpp696969 July 6, 2022
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a Reed College student or graduate with a high IQ, but sub-par sociability. Evidence of severe Reedtardation may include (a) the inability to stop talking about one's thesis, even during sex; (b) a dearth of non-Reed-affiliated friends; and (c) the bodily funk that develops after a week barricaded in the Student Union, Romer Lounge or Houser FunDome.
"What's the deal with that old bearded guy asleep in the bong loft?"

"That's (name redacted), class of 1994. They say he hasn't left campus since submitting a thesis about step-function discontinuity as it relates to Ovid's Metamorphoses. He's a total Reedtard."
by ReedieBop December 3, 2011
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1.Think they know everything... When in reality they know very little.

2. Ignorant people with the last name Reed

3. People who are self conscious of their own intelligence, and get angry at people who are more intelligent.
1. Paul was such a Reedtard in that argument.
by Bodi Mov1n October 21, 2020
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