A person who severely lacks individuality and life goals. Simply exists and involves themselves in meaningless acts, social groups, and conversation in order to occupy their simple minds. This is a far more complex version of the term basic.
All of Kim Kardashian's fans are redenbachers.
by JasonSteele March 15, 2015
A man who dates younger women.
Originated from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart by Daily Show's Senior Women's Issues Commentator, Kristen Schaal, in response to the term cougar. Redenbacher, as in Orville Redenbacher, the popcorn magnet, aka the **** magnet, who was popping a lot more than corn.
Originated from The Daily Show with Jon Stewart by Daily Show's Senior Women's Issues Commentator, Kristen Schaal, in response to the term cougar. Redenbacher, as in Orville Redenbacher, the popcorn magnet, aka the **** magnet, who was popping a lot more than corn.
by Veenix3 July 21, 2008
Bruce Willis is such a Redenbacher
by Andrea Leja July 18, 2008
by AJD, esq. July 18, 2008
by xzooeyx July 22, 2008
A word coined by Kristin Schaal of the Daily show to describe (often sketchy) old men who date young, attractive women, used in a pejorative sense.
The actual Orville Redebacher was not, however, known for dating younger women--both of his wives died before he did.
The actual Orville Redebacher was not, however, known for dating younger women--both of his wives died before he did.
Hugh Hefner's constantly rotating harem of young women makes him the most famous redenbacher of all time.
by sailor titan July 20, 2008
A 35+ year old man who goes for the younger ladies. Usually goes to clubs and other places where younger women hang out so that he can try to get with them.
Wow Stacy, that redenbacher I was with last night was great and showed me a lot of new things to do while having intercourse.
by 345674523 July 22, 2008